Abiding, Trusting & Listening


“Abide” has a way of drawing people into deep reflection when they look at it.  Many times people will ask what my inspiration was when I painted it.  Today I’m compelled  to share that inspiration with you…. 

If we are honest, each and every one of us holds a deep desire to walk in the purpose for which we are created.  Our purpose is ever evolving but always carries a common thread.  I find comfort and peace when I know I’m were I should be.  But sometimes things change. 

When doors that were wide open where we once flourished begin to creep shut or even suddenly close it’s sort of a natural reaction to do our best to block it, pry them back open or find a different path into that same place.  But what if God is calling us to a new place in life?  Closing doors can be scary and even devastating.  The loss of a loved one, our own health or even the loss of a job can be so staggering we lose our equilibrium.  

When the road ahead of me gradually becomes unclear and I sense doors closing behind me, many times I also feel God’s leading and pulling me forward.  Getting alone outside in nature with my dogs always proves to be divine.  Shutting down the distractions of life and truly Abiding in His creation, listening deeply to Him and trusting the push I feel has always brought me closer to God.   I have learned there is only One source of true Peace in the storms of life, and that is Peace Himself.  When we cast our cares, fears and pain onto Jesus, all things will become new.  

I am not all that, nor do I always hear God correctly!  Oh yeah, I’ve taken some mighty bad turns down the wrong roads in my life but even there…. on the wrong road when I abide in Him, trust Him and listen closely to Him, He leads me to solid ground.  Never once has God let me down.  

The beauty of truly abiding in Him has surprising twists and turns and new doors that I had never considered.  Creative ideas flow as I sit under the shadow of His protective wings.  He may ask you to take a step out into something brand new.  He may ask you to be still.  You will find a peace that surpasses all understanding and new, creative and expansive ideas will flow when you rest in the presence of God.  Like many of you life is shifting for me as I Abide in Him, He reminds me to Listen and Trust Him.  If you find yourself in a time of transition, abide in Him, trust and listen.  He will do a new thing!  He will make a new way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  

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