People, Circumstances & Relationships

It is part of “life“ that things are constantly shifting and changing. People, circumstances, relationships – the good, the bad, and the in between. When life throws a curveball what an incredible comfort it is that our solid foundation never moves. He is faithful.
Thank you for the reminder Father that You are always my firm foundation. With You there’s no shifting or turning. Thank you that You are my helper and my comforter in times of need. Thank you that You celebrate with such exuberant joy with me in times of celebration. I thank You Lord that, You knew every day of my life before I took my first breath and that with You and in You I can find rest. Thank you for Your nudge. Thank You for Your push when I need it! Thank You for Your encouragement when I feel low. Thank You for Your firm redirection when I step off course. Thank You for Your forgiveness! Thank You that in You and through You absolutely all things are possible. Thank You for celebrating with me! Thank You for Your love. Help me to share Your love that You so freely have given me with everyone I encounter today.
For Jesus doesn't change - yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.
Hebrews 13:8 msg