Love Suffered

I am a mom who waited many years with lots of loss and heartaches, to hold my baby boy in my arms. I believe the miracle of becoming a mom through birth or adoption is one of the greatest joys a woman could ever experience. The love I have for my son is indescribable. That same mother‘s heart in me bursts with every child I encounter. I flat out love kids, their innocence and loving trust.
In this passion week as we all reflect on the torture, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, I can’t get past the prophecy of Simeon without weeping. Imagine taking your eight day old baby to the temple to be presented to the Lord in Jewish tradition, and being stopped on the way in by a very elderly man who began to prophesy. He took Jesus in his arms and thanked God that he could now die in peace, having seen with his own eyes Gods salvation that He prepared before the face of all people - the light to bring revelation to the world.
As Simeon blessed them, he looked into Mary’s eyes and said “Behold, this child is destined for the fall, and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against “(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also)”, so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”
I wonder if that young new mom had any idea of the sword that would indeed pierce her soul as she watched her boy tortured and killed. Love it isn’t all mountaintop moments, Love suffers.
Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit thank You for Your love. Help me to truly remember and see the humanity of Jesus, his mom, friends and followers. Lord help me to remember the courage and strength and gut wrenching pain each and every one of them went through. Help me to remember that saying yes to You and Your call in my life will always lead to glory. Father give me the strength to walk through the process, not focusing on the pain, but rather the blessing of Your promises. Thank You for Your love, and for the testimonies of so many that have gone on before me. I love you so much. #Jesus
Deeply moving. Thank you