The Beauty of Gods Symbiotic Creation

Sometimes life can be so very hard. To the world around you it may appear as if all is well but deep inside we feel differently. Sometimes it's just a hard day or even a hard week, but what happens when we realize we are in a very hard season?
I have had hard seasons that have lasted for many years and the truth is, it's exhausting. I wonder if I'm missing something that keeps me stuck. Sometimes the silence is deafening, but I've learned that it's in the silence that Gods presence is overwhelming near. One thing I know for sure is He is omnipresent. He will never leave our side. When we are in a deep valley or time of suffering -He's there. He's a comforter and a healer. He's a shoulder to cry on. He's loyal, faithful, filled with grace, mercy and unconditional love. He's also the great physician and will stop at nothing to make sure we are healed, whole and thriving in the goodness of His creation. He has a plan for each and every one of us. If life has wounded your heart He will show you the source of your pain and hold you tightly as He walks you through and then out of it. I've learned that often times the source of suffering is much deeper than we realize.
God is not the creator of anything evil. But make no mistake, He can make good come out of every bad thing. What do I mean by that? He is not the cause of the place of suffering we may find ourselves in but He will use this time of suffering and its circumstances bringing us through to a whole new place in our hearts, in our minds and in our spirits. He will make His presence vividly clear. He's strong and He's gentle. I've learned there truly is light at the end of every tunnel. The sun comes out every morning. He gives beauty for ashes! On the other side of the valley we can look back and smile, giving thanks for the healing, the revelation, the wisdom and all the beauty that came from Christ in our suffering.
I was living in intense fear and suffering deeply with PTSD as I came through a very serious crime that left me homeless. I was not only homeless physically but I was also homeless in my heart. I thought those days, months and years would never end. Sometimes I didn't want to go on. It was only though the love of Jesus that I made it out. He carried me through. He didn't stop there. He has kept healing deeper and deeper and bringing me to a whole new perspective of life, love and happiness.
Even so, I'm still climbing and the truth is, I can find myself worn out, tired and feeling exhausted from the prolonged journey. Pain and frustration had been building for awhile and I was trying to push back and keep walking, one foot in front of the other. Then that morning I woke up in what really was the middle of the night and flat out cried until there was nothing left.
I stepped outside for a walk with dogs, Annie and Lily, and there was a ruckus going on in my front yard. A huge raven and two blue jays were on the ground fighting each other. I clapped my hands and yelled hoping to stop the fight but they kept going at it. I walked towards them and they finally flew off. The blue jays were screaming and chasing the raven around and around over my front yard. Then I saw her. The sweetest little fuzzy baby blue jay was laying on her back wings spread wide and legs doing the same. She wasn't moving. Then as I bent down I saw that she was breathing. I touched her head very gently and she opened her eyes and looked at me. I talked softly to her and gently touched her wings and legs to see if anything was broken. Suddenly she hopped up and jumped into my hand! She didn't make a sound, just kept her eyes fixed on mine. She sat calmly in my hand for a good 10 minutes as I walked out of the sun near my front door. The three birds had flown off into the trees and out of sight. I pet her and kept talking to her. I was asking God what I should do and felt to just set her down in the grass to see what she would do. She hopped like a rabbit to edge of my yard and let out a squeaky squawk and with a sudden swoosh out came both mom and dad blue jay. I'm not sure if they carried her or if she flew but they disappeared in a close knit whirl in seconds. I couldn't see where they went. It's like they swooshed up and disappeared.
I was standing there looking up when a neighbor came strolling by. I told her about the fight and the baby. She said; you saved that baby birds life! The truth is, she saved mine. I believe God sent that little baby to remind me of His nearness and the intervention He always provides in times of need. He reminded me of His love through a precious baby blue jay. I'll never forget her, her innocence, her vulnerability, her fear and her trust as she looked into my eyes. God and His miracles are everywhere when we have eyes to see.
Oh Carrie, I’m so, so sorry. Dogs are truly a gift and wonderful living proof of God’s unconditional love. Praying you have wet nose and puppy breath invade your home soon. Praying for you my sweet friend. Hugs
Helen Lombardi HUGS
WOW Ada. In the economy of God, He does multi-purpose miracles if we only have eyes to see. Last Saturday’s Prayer Call prayers include a prayer for seeing thru the eyes of Jesus and also hearing like Jesus. If you will, looks to me like you’ve experienced both seeing and hearing like Jesus. That’s huge and worth crying all night to get the clarity and sound mind to have that experience and subsequent growth He has promised us. I trust this will encourage you, dear sister to keep walking, trusting and sharing as we all benefit from your faithful participation in Jesus’ plans and purposes for your life. :-)
Thanks for this reminder. While in Georgia, I sit in the kitchen every morning and watch the birds on our bird feeder, and it helps me be present. I see blue jays, robins, woodpeckers, and a variety of Georgia birds. Our Jack Russell, Patch, sat with me every morning while I drank coffee and watched the birds until he passed three weeks ago. I’ve been devastated, but your writing helped me see some light this morning. I believe God brought him to me for many reasons, and I believe he has a plan. Hugs and Happy Memories!