the Voice of God

Sometimes life can feel like a strenuous, uphill battle. A little reprieve will come, and there you are again, on that uphill battle. It can feel so very lonely and exhausting. It’s OK to rest. In fact, although that rest may feel painful, it might be exactly where God wants you to be. Trust Him. When the time is right, one touch from Him, and everything becomes brand new.
When you find yourself in a cold and desolate winter season, hold on tightly to the promises of God. He will never ever fail you. During those dark and desolate days of winter under the lifeless terrain, new life is forming. Soon spring will take its course with newly budding life emerging in all its glory. And just like that, suddenly, it’s a new beginning.
This painting is titled Rhythms; the Voice of God.
“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” Mark 5: 32-34