When Holidays Hurt

When Holidays Hurt
In a world where our expectations so often clash with reality, it’s not uncommon to feel let down by the people we love. Friends can disappoint us, families can shatter, and even our closest relationships can be painful, filled with miscommunication or unmet expectations. Each time we place our trust in another person, there is a risk; they are flawed and human, just like us. It can be disheartening to realize that those we thought would always stand by us might not have the capacity or willingness to so. In the midst of it all stands Jesus, arms wide open. He encourages us to forgive, to hope, and in our pain and weakness, to feel His unwavering strength.
In my life Jesus has proven over and over again that He is not a transactional God. Give this, do that, be that… and I’ll love you. He is there even when you deny Him. He will never abandon you. Even at your worst, His love never falters.
In this holiday season, you may find yourself hurting and feeling alone in your pain. Remind yourself, that Jesus is there. Open the scriptures, and He will speak to you, bringing love, peace, hope, and wisdom.