Do you ever wonder what Gods will is for your life? Do you wonder if you really have a purpose?
I know I have and just when I think I’ve found “it”, God interrupts and says- Ada, look this way. Now unless you’re Moses I doubt God will literally speak to you but if you have a steady diet of His word and listen with your whole heart, you will hear a still small voice in your heart and feel a nudge from the Holy Spirit. To really hear the heart of God, you have to give him yours! That doesn’t mean running to Him with the laundry list of gimme’s but rather truly giving Him your whole heart.
There have been times in my life that I have appeared self-assured, bold, and confident of the path that I was on. The truth is, under the self-confidence was an insecure person, second-guessing herself all the time!
The older I have gotten, the more time I spend wanting to do what’s right for God and others. There are times that I have immobilized myself second-guessing, and not wanting to be out of God’s will. I’ve come to learn that as I’ve kept close to my creator that it is His desires that He has placed on my heart!