In a world where our expectations so often clash with reality, it’s not uncommon to feel let down by the people we love. Friends can disappoint us, families can shatter, and even our closest relationships can be painful, filled with miscommunication or unmet expectations.....
So often I hear “everything happens for a reason” coming out of the mouths of well-meaning people. When I found myself in the midst of deep pain and unimaginable fear, I asked God why He said that. For the first time I earnestly dove into His word to learn and to hear from Him. You know what? He never said that!
The Holy Spirit is there even when you’re unaware of Him. He’s thee comforter. He’s gentle and He’s strong. He can handle it all. I believe that a praying friend is a wonderful gift. I also know the profound help we offer when we sit quietly and listen to the hurting. Even if all they can do is weep. Even if all they can do is breathe. The quiet presence of a loving friend ushers in the awareness of the closeness, the goodness of God.