FaithWalk Blog
Finding Healing in Remembering Trauma
by Ada MadisonLife, in its unpredictable tapestry, rarely unfolds without stitches of pain and moments of profound hurt. Trauma, in its myriad forms, leaves indelible marks, shaping us in ways we often struggle to understand. The impact of trauma is deeply personal, as unique as our very fingerprints. Yet, despite the individuality of the experience, the common thread of suffering binds us, gently pulling us toward healing.
I, like many, have navigated a chapter marked by significant trauma. In the aftermath of this experience, well-meaning individuals often offered their advice: you’ll know you’re truly healed, they said, when the memory of it fades, when it no longer evokes pain. But, I’ve come to realize that such a simplistic notion fails to grasp the complex nature of healing. Read more
When Holidays Hurt
by Ada MadisonIn a world where our expectations so often clash with reality, it’s not uncommon to feel let down by the people we love. Friends can disappoint us, families can shatter, and even our closest relationships can be painful, filled with miscommunication or unmet expectations..... -
The Beauty of Gods Symbiotic Creation
by Ada MadisonSometimes life can be so very hard. To the world around you it may appear as if all is well but deep inside we feel differently. Sometimes it's just a hard day or even a hard week, but what happens when we realize we are in a very hard season?I have had hard seasons that have lasted for many years and the truth is, it's exhausting. I wonder if I'm missing something that keeps me stuck. Sometimes the silence is deafening, but I've learned that it's in the silence that Gods presence is overwhelming near. One thing I know for sure is He is omnipresent. He will never leave our side. When we are in a deep valley or time of suffering -He's there. He's a comforter and a healer. He's a shoulder to cry on. He's loyal, faithful, filled with grace, mercy and unconditional love. He's also the great physician and will stop at nothing to make sure we are healed, whole and thriving in the goodness of His creation. He has a plan for each and every one of us. If life has wounded your heart He will show you the source of your pain and hold you tightly as He walks you through and then out of it. I've learned that often times the source of suffering is much deeper than we realize. -
Finding Peace in the storm
by Ada MadisonFinding Peace in the storm
Being chill in a crisis, isn’t stuffing feelings down, ignoring what’s happening or denying the crisis. Sometimes crisis comes in the form of loss and grief. The loss of someone we love dearly can take our breath away and our desire to go on. The loss of health or our ability to function normally or even loss of a job or career can be jarring.
In times of crisis it’s not unnatural to want to run to a friend for comfort and a shoulder to lean on. But what happens when the very loved one that we thought we could rely on shows us that the foundation of our relationship was purely transactional? We face another kind crisis. The betrayal of friends, family or your “person” is also devastating.
In Psalm 46 there is a beloved passage in which the psalmist declared that no matter what was happening around him, God was his refuge and strength. We can be safe in the assurance that He is God - even a mid chaos, He is omnipresent. In Psalm 57 David hides from his own family when his father in law seeks to hunt him down and kill him. What began as recognizing and admiring God’s hand on his son-in-law‘s life, twisted into jealousy. Make no mistake, jealousy is a very destructive evil. There’s nothing good in it... continue reading post
by Ada MadisonSilent Saturday is a somber reminder to me of just how easy it is to live viewing Jesus on this side of the cross-after He has risen.
His torture and murder is more than I can wrap my mind around. The details of how He suffered are more than any of us could begin to understand. Imagine the hearts of those that loved Him and followed Him only to witness the horrific, the unfathomable. Imagine the emptiness and devastation that they felt. But that’s not what this painting is about.
Happy Women's Day
Your Love Brightens the World
by Ada MadisonThere are days when I wake up, and the sun seems to be shining extra brightly, days when it feels as though all is well. There are also days when troubles, concerns and worries seem to labor against the peace that filled my sunny days. It’s in those days that it literally takes a concerted effort to remind myself to focus on the good. God is so good to me. -
In my Weakest Moments I found Strength
by Ada MadisonThe older I get and the more history I have to reflect on, it seems that my weakest moments came suddenly and unexpectedly when I felt strong and confident. I found confidence in business accolades and creative endeavors. But, beneath it was an ever present insecurity. I always felt like life was a tightrope walk -alone.I also can reflect back now and recognize that it was in my weakest moments, when everything came toppling down, that I found unshakable strength way beyond myself. I realized that when I put my life willingly and wholeheartedly into Gods loving hands, His strength carried me beyond anything I could imagine.I felt the Love I had so desperately wanted my entire life. -
God Views on Diversity
by Ada MadisonToday I was reading Genesis and an artists palette flooded my thoughts. In Genesis, we learn that God created man and woman in His image. God created Adam first and then a “helpmate or helper suitable“ for him. “Suitable helpmate” meant something very different in its context and Hebrew origins than it does today. Those words are derived from the Hebrew words that meant she was the perfect person that God chose to create just for him as a helper in the greatest sense. The word also means she was a perfect fit “according to the opposite of him”. Like an artist palette, those opposites when standing alone were lacking something. Together they brought life. -
How To Live
Let Us Put Away All Hypocrisy
by Ada MadisonWe are Loved. We were created to Love. We are not mistakes. We are perfectly created in the image of God. Gods plans for us are good.In this climate of the daily increase of division, hatred and political vitriol, let us all remember the Oneness in which we were created. Let us put away all hypocrisy and keep our hearts and meditations on love and unity. Neither Father, Son or the blessed Holy Spirit are American politicians. All it takes is a little pressure and out of the mouth bursts the truths of what the heart full of. -
Be Present
by Ada MadisonThe Holy Spirit is there even when you’re unaware of Him. He’s thee comforter. He’s gentle and He’s strong. He can handle it all. I believe that a praying friend is a wonderful gift. I also know the profound help we offer when we sit quietly and listen to the hurting. Even if all they can do is weep. Even if all they can do is breathe. The quiet presence of a loving friend ushers in the awareness of the closeness, the goodness of God.
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