In a world where our expectations so often clash with reality, it’s not uncommon to feel let down by the people we love. Friends can disappoint us, families can shatter, and even our closest relationships can be painful, filled with miscommunication or unmet expectations.....
Sometimes we have to stop, take a breath and remember that true peace is found in the ability to trust God, embrace change, and trust in His provision, protection and loving guidance.
I’ve had seasons, some lasting for years, that I felt hidden. I wondered if the dreams in my heart were really from God, when nothing seemed to change. It’s easy to fall into impatience and even sadness when things in our lives are dormant. When I’ve taken things into my own hands, and tried to hurry up the hand of God, I’ve always been disappointed -mostly in myself.
There’s just something about spring that always evokes joyful feelings of hope and childlike anticipation of what lies just around the corner. Winter seasons of cold barrenness can feel endless and sometimes wondering if there really can be “life” again. And then, every year, here comes spring, reminding us that indeed God has been busy working, just out of our sight. And all those seeds, all the hopes and dreams begin to burst forth in new life again.
The older I get and the more history I have to reflect on, it seems that my weakest moments came suddenly and unexpectedly when I felt strong and confident. I found confidence in business accolades and creative endeavors. But, beneath it was an ever present insecurity. I always felt like life was a tightrope walk -alone.
I also can reflect back now and recognize that it was in my weakest moments, when everything came toppling down, that I found unshakable strength way beyond myself. I realized that when I put my life willingly and wholeheartedly into Gods loving hands, His strength carried me beyond anything I could imagine.
I felt the Love I had so desperately wanted my entire life.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who is fully satisfied. It seems we all are seeking to fill a void deep down in our heart and soul. Don’t get me wrong, I know people that have wonderful lives, surrounded by many who love and support them but, even so there’s a deep yearning in their hearts also.
Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of how very much we are loved by Love Himself. When we truly grasp that deep down in our hearts -self doubt, fear and unworthiness evaporate. After all, if God is for us, who can be against us?