I’ve had seasons, some lasting for years, that I felt hidden. I wondered if the dreams in my heart were really from God, when nothing seemed to change. It’s easy to fall into impatience and even sadness when things in our lives are dormant. When I’ve taken things into my own hands, and tried to hurry up the hand of God, I’ve always been disappointed -mostly in myself.
There are days when I wake up, and the sun seems to be shining extra brightly, days when it feels as though all is well. There are also days when troubles, concerns and worries seem to labor against the peace that filled my sunny days. It’s in those days that it literally takes a concerted effort to remind myself to focus on the good. God is so good to me.
Today I was reading Genesis and an artists palette flooded my thoughts. In Genesis, we learn that God created man and woman in His image. God created Adam first and then a “helpmate or helper suitable“ for him. “Suitable helpmate” meant something very different in its context and Hebrew origins than it does today. Those words are derived from the Hebrew words that meant she was the perfect person that God chose to create just for him as a helper in the greatest sense. The word also means she was a perfect fit “according to the opposite of him”. Like an artist palette, those opposites when standing alone were lacking something. Together they brought life.
Thinking about Black history month and the amazing black women that have been and continue to impact my life in such wonderful ways! Women in ministry, women in the arts, poets, authors and First Ladies. Do you know Madam CJ Walker? How about George Floyd?
Sometimes you just have to encourage yourself. Remind yourself that God is with you and He will never fail. I’ve seen mountains of opposition utterly crumble and be rendered silent in a moment. He’s a good, good Father that way! When people and circumstances let you down, remind yourself that God never will.