There’s just something about spring that always evokes joyful feelings of hope and childlike anticipation of what lies just around the corner. Winter seasons of cold barrenness can feel endless and sometimes wondering if there really can be “life” again. And then, every year, here comes spring, reminding us that indeed God has been busy working, just out of our sight. And all those seeds, all the hopes and dreams begin to burst forth in new life again.
So often I hear “everything happens for a reason” coming out of the mouths of well-meaning people. When I found myself in the midst of deep pain and unimaginable fear, I asked God why He said that. For the first time I earnestly dove into His word to learn and to hear from Him. You know what? He never said that!
It is part of “life“ that things are constantly shifting and changing. People, circumstances, relationships – the good, the bad, and the in between. When life throws a curveball what an incredible comfort it is that our solid foundation never moves. He is faithful.
There are days when I wake up, and the sun seems to be shining extra brightly, days when it feels as though all is well. There are also days when troubles, concerns and worries seem to labor against the peace that filled my sunny days. It’s in those days that it literally takes a concerted effort to remind myself to focus on the good. God is so good to me.
The older I get and the more history I have to reflect on, it seems that my weakest moments came suddenly and unexpectedly when I felt strong and confident. I found confidence in business accolades and creative endeavors. But, beneath it was an ever present insecurity. I always felt like life was a tightrope walk -alone.
I also can reflect back now and recognize that it was in my weakest moments, when everything came toppling down, that I found unshakable strength way beyond myself. I realized that when I put my life willingly and wholeheartedly into Gods loving hands, His strength carried me beyond anything I could imagine.
I felt the Love I had so desperately wanted my entire life.
Today I was reading Genesis and an artists palette flooded my thoughts. In Genesis, we learn that God created man and woman in His image. God created Adam first and then a “helpmate or helper suitable“ for him. “Suitable helpmate” meant something very different in its context and Hebrew origins than it does today. Those words are derived from the Hebrew words that meant she was the perfect person that God chose to create just for him as a helper in the greatest sense. The word also means she was a perfect fit “according to the opposite of him”. Like an artist palette, those opposites when standing alone were lacking something. Together they brought life.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who is fully satisfied. It seems we all are seeking to fill a void deep down in our heart and soul. Don’t get me wrong, I know people that have wonderful lives, surrounded by many who love and support them but, even so there’s a deep yearning in their hearts also.
Love keeps no record of right and wrong. And Love is not foolish. I learned the hard way to not allow people or events live on in my mind rent free. Releasing them brings freedom! Forgiving is not condoning, but rather forgiving is allowing yourself to step away from the pain.
Father help me. As our days overflow with social injustice, political discord and discourse, when hatred, prejudice, discrimination, every sort of injustice and flat out ugliness permeate every facet of the world around me, remind me Lord that I will always reap what I sow. Help me to sow love in the face of hatred. Remind me that every small gesture I make or step I take matters. Let the works of my hands and the meditations of my heart bring you glory and honor. Teach me how to see. Teach me how to listen. Teach me how to hear. Help me to return love to those who sow dishonesty, disloyalty and hatred. Lord help me to gain a heart of wisdom that overflows only in your love.
On this Valentine’s Day evening, when the world is celebrating Love, I couldn’t shake the pain I saw deep in the eyes of the homeless as I was out running errands today. They are someone’s daughter or son, sister or brother, mother or father, someone’s friend…. they had someone somewhere. The cars whisk by and no one seems to care. I have met many people who stand in judgment, and condemn them for being where they’re at.
But the wealthy? They’re just as easy to identify. They are the ones with people fawning over them, their spouses, their children, what they wear and most anything they do or don’t do is applauded.
In both of these situations, it isn’t the poverty, and it isn’t the wealth that made them stand out, but rather the people that were around them - shunning or fawning.